WooCommerce vs BigCommerce Comparison

WooCommerce vs BigCommerce are two popular e-commerce platforms that provide businesses with the tools and features necessary to create and manage an online store. While both platforms share similar goals, they have unique differences in terms of features, pricing, ease of use, scalability, and target audience.

WooCommerce is a plugin for WordPress that allows businesses to add e-commerce functionality to their existing website. It offers a wide range of customizable features and extensions, making it a popular choice for small businesses and startups. On the other hand, BigCommerce is a fully hosted platform that provides users with a variety of features out of the box. It is a good option for larger businesses that require more advanced features and customizations.

In this comparison, we will examine the key differences and similarities between WooCommerce vs BigCommerce, with the aim of helping businesses make an informed decision about which platform is the best fit for their needs.

WooCommerce vs BigCommerce: What is WooCommerce?

what is woocommerce

WooCommerce is a free, open-source e-commerce platform designed for WordPress websites. It was launched in 2011 and has become one of the most popular e-commerce platforms in the world, powering over 4 million online stores.

With WooCommerce, users can easily set up an online store and sell physical and digital products, as well as services. It includes features such as inventory management, payment gateways integration, shipping options, tax calculations, and product customization. WooCommerce also offers a wide range of extensions and plugins that can enhance the functionality of your online store.

WooCommerce is highly customizable and can be tailored to meet the specific needs of each user. It is also supported by a large community of developers, which means that users can find help and support easily.

WooCommerce vs BigCommerce : What is BigCommerce?

what is bigcommerce

BigCommerce is a cloud-based e-commerce platform that allows businesses of all sizes to create and manage their online stores. It was launched in 2009 and has become one of the leading e-commerce platforms in the market, powering over 120,000 online stores in more than 150 countries.

With BigCommerce, users can easily set up an online store and sell physical and digital products, as well as services. It includes features such as inventory management, payment gateways integration, shipping options, tax calculations, and product customization. BigCommerce also offers a wide range of themes and templates that can be customized to create a unique look for your online store.

BigCommerce is a fully-hosted platform, which means that users don’t have to worry about the technical aspects of hosting and maintaining their online store. It is also highly scalable and can handle stores of all sizes, from small businesses to large enterprises. BigCommerce also provides 24/7 customer support, as well as a large community of developers and partners who can help with customizations and integrations.

WooCommerce vs BigCommerce : Features

Features are an important consideration when choosing an e-commerce platform. Here is a comparison of the key features offered by WooCommerce and BigCommerce:

WooCommerce Features:

  • Unlimited products and categories
  • Wide range of payment gateways and shipping options
  • Customizable themes and templates
  • Extensive selection of plugins and extensions
  • Powerful analytics and reporting tools
  • Built-in SEO optimization
  • Mobile-friendly design

BigCommerce Features:

  • Drag-and-drop website builder
  • Unlimited products and categories
  • Wide range of payment gateways and shipping options
  • Customizable themes and templates
  • Advanced product options, such as product variants and options
  • Multi-channel selling capabilities
  • Built-in SEO optimization
  • Mobile-friendly design
  • Powerful analytics and reporting tools

Product and Category Limits:

  • WooCommerce: Unlimited products and categories
  • BigCommerce: Unlimited products and categories

Both platforms offer unlimited products and categories, providing businesses with the flexibility to grow their online store without worrying about limitations.

Payment Gateways and Shipping Options:

  • WooCommerce: Offers a wide range of payment gateways and shipping options, including popular options like PayPal, Stripe, and UPS.
  • BigCommerce: Offers a wide range of payment gateways and shipping options, including popular options like PayPal, Stripe, and FedEx.

Both platforms provide businesses with the flexibility to choose from a variety of payment gateways and shipping options. However, the specific options available may vary based on location and other factors.

Customization Options:

  • WooCommerce: Provides a wide range of customizable themes and templates, as well as a vast library of plugins and extensions.
  • BigCommerce: Provides customizable themes and templates, as well as a variety of built-in design tools.

WooCommerce provides users with a wider range of customization options, thanks to its extensive library of plugins and extensions. However, BigCommerce provides businesses with built-in design tools that can help them create a professional-looking online store without needing to use third-party plugins or extensions.

Analytics and Reporting Tools:

  • WooCommerce: Provides businesses with powerful analytics and reporting tools, including the ability to track sales, monitor inventory, and view customer data.
  • BigCommerce: Provides businesses with powerful analytics and reporting tools, including the ability to track sales, monitor inventory, and view customer data.

Both platforms provide businesses with robust analytics and reporting tools, making it easy to track key metrics and make data-driven decisions about their online store.

WooCommerce vs BigCommerce Comparison : Pricing

Pricing is an important consideration when choosing an e-commerce platform. Here is a comparison of the pricing models for WooCommerce and BigCommerce:

WooCommerce Pricing:

  • WooCommerce is free to download and use.
  • However, businesses will need to pay for website hosting and a domain name.
  • Businesses may also need to purchase additional plugins and extensions for additional functionality.

The cost of using WooCommerce will vary depending on the website hosting and domain name providers but if you go with Ready Made WooCommerce Website you will not need to pay for Hosting and Domain for extra.

BigCommerce Pricing:

bigcommerce pricing
  • BigCommerce offers several pricing plans based on the size and needs of the business.
  • Plans range from $29.95 per month to $299.95 per month.
  • Additional features, such as advanced analytics and reporting tools, may require an additional fee.

BigCommerce’s pricing plans are all-inclusive, meaning that businesses will not need to pay for additional hosting or domain name services. However, businesses may need to pay additional fees for advanced features, depending on the plan selected.

WooCommerce vs Bigcommerce : Ease of Use

WooCommerce to be intuitive and easy to use. The setup process is straightforward, and adding products and categories is a breeze. Additionally, WooCommerce provides a wide range of customization options through plugins and themes, which can be added to your store to enhance its functionality and appearance.

On the other hand, BigCommerce is an all-in-one platform that requires less technical expertise to set up and manage. The platform provides a drag-and-drop interface that makes it easy to customize your store’s design and layout. Additionally, BigCommerce provides built-in payment gateways, shipping options, and other essential features that can save you time and hassle.

Overall, both platforms are user-friendly, but the choice depends on your preference. If you’re comfortable with WordPress and want more control over your store’s customization options, WooCommerce is the better option. If you want an all-in-one solution that’s easy to set up and manage, BigCommerce may be the better fit.

WooCommerce vs Bigcommerce : Scalability and Flexibility

When it comes to scalability and flexibility, both WooCommerce and BigCommerce have their strengths and weaknesses.

WooCommerce can handle large volumes of products and orders and can be customized through a wide range of plugins and themes. Additionally, WooCommerce provides excellent support for third-party integrations, allowing you to add features such as email marketing, social media integration, and accounting software to your store.

On the other hand, BigCommerce is an all-in-one platform that provides a scalable and flexible solution for businesses of all sizes. The platform can handle high volumes of traffic and orders, and its built-in features, such as payment gateways and shipping options, can be customized to suit your business needs. Additionally, BigCommerce provides a robust API and developer tools that allow you to integrate with third-party systems and customize your store’s functionality.

Overall, both platforms provide scalable and flexible solutions for businesses, but the choice depends on your specific needs. If you’re a small to medium-sized business looking for a flexible and customizable solution, WooCommerce may be the better option. If you’re a larger business looking for an all-in-one platform that can handle high volumes of traffic and orders, BigCommerce may be the better fit.

WooCommerce vs Bigcommerce : Target Audience

When it comes to target audience, WooCommerce and BigCommerce cater to different types of businesses.

WooCommerce is a plugin that integrates with WordPress, which means that it’s ideal for small to medium-sized businesses that want more control over their online store. WooCommerce is flexible and customizable, which allows business owners to tailor their store’s design and functionality to their specific needs. Additionally, WooCommerce is open-source, which means that developers can modify the code to add custom features and functionality.

On the other hand, BigCommerce is an all-in-one platform that’s designed for businesses of all sizes. BigCommerce provides a range of built-in features, such as payment gateways and shipping options, that can save business owners time and hassle. Additionally, BigCommerce provides excellent support for third-party integrations, which allows businesses to add custom features and functionality to their store without needing to modify the code.

WooCommerce vs Bigcommerce : Conclusions

To summarize the key differences and similarities between WooCommerce vs BigCommerce:


  • WooCommerce is a plugin that integrates with WordPress, while BigCommerce is an all-in-one platform.
  • WooCommerce provides more control over customization and design, while BigCommerce provides built-in features for payments, shipping, and other ecommerce functionalities.
  • WooCommerce is more suitable for small to medium-sized businesses, while BigCommerce is suitable for businesses of all sizes.


  • Both WooCommerce and BigCommerce offer ecommerce solutions for businesses.
  • Both provide support for third-party integrations and extensions.
  • Both have a range of pricing plans to suit different business needs.

Ultimately, the choice between WooCommerce and BigCommerce depends on the specific needs and requirements of your business. WooCommerce is a more flexible and customizable solution, while BigCommerce provides more built-in features and is easier to set up and manage.

Recommendations for which platform may be best suited for different types of e-commerce businesses.

Here are some recommendations for which platform may be best suited for different types of ecommerce businesses:

  1. Small businesses: WooCommerce is a great choice for small businesses as it is a more affordable option and offers greater flexibility for customization and control over design.
  2. Medium-sized businesses: Both WooCommerce and BigCommerce can be suitable for medium-sized businesses, depending on the specific needs and requirements. If the business requires more control and customization, then WooCommerce may be a better option. However, if the business requires more built-in features and easier management, then BigCommerce may be a better fit.
  3. Large businesses: BigCommerce is a more suitable option for larger businesses that require an all-in-one platform that can handle high volumes of traffic and orders.
  4. Businesses with complex needs: If the business has complex needs, such as multiple store locations, complex product variations, or complex shipping requirements, then BigCommerce may be a better fit due to its built-in features for managing these complexities.
  5. Businesses with WordPress experience: If the business already has experience with WordPress, then WooCommerce may be the better choice as it integrates with the WordPress platform.

Ultimately, the choice between WooCommerce vs BigCommerce depends on the specific needs and requirements of the business, and it is important to carefully consider these factors before making a decision.

Alan Franklin
Alan Franklin

Alan Franklin is a professional Web Developer and a WordPress Blogger at Delegate Studio. He has a huge passion for WordPress and using his experience for over a decade.