Elite Portfolio & Online CV Parallax Landing Page Template

Elevate your professional online presence with “PersonaCV,” an innovative one-page parallax template crafted to showcase your expertise in a visually captivating manner. Whether you’re an experienced professional or a budding talent, “PersonaCV” delivers a seamless user experience designed to make a lasting impression on potential employers and clients alike.

Designed with a modern aesthetic and built on the Bootstrap 5 framework, “PersonaCV” ensures responsiveness and flawless performance across all devices. jQuery integration adds interactive elements and smooth animations, enhancing engagement with visitors. The SCSS support enables effortless customization, allowing you to tailor the template to reflect your unique style and personality.

Highlight your diverse skills and accomplishments through the dedicated portfolio section, presenting your projects and achievements elegantly. Seamlessly integrate your social media profiles to expand your network and bolster your credibility within your industry.

With “PersonaCV,” you have the perfect tool to present your professional journey in a compelling and sophisticated manner, setting yourself apart in today’s competitive job market and professional landscape.

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The service entitles you for 6 months Customer Support.

  • HTML Template
  • Template Setup
  • Website Support
  • Estimated Time : 24 Hours
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The service entitles you for 6 months Customer Support.

  • Website Setup
  • One Domain
  • Cloud Hosting
  • Business Emails
  • Website Security Setup
  • Install SSL Certificate
  • Logo Design
  • Landing Page Content with Images
  • Website Maintenance for 3 Months
  • Estimated Time : 2-3 Days
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Product Information

Category : Landing Page, Resume and Portfolio Templates, Event Planner Portfolio, HTML
Layout : Responsive
Files Included : JavaScript Files, Images, HTML Files, CSS Files, Bootstrap Files
Browser : IE, Firefox, Safari, Opera, Chrome, Edge
Documentation : Well Documented
Software Version : HTML 5
Tags : responsivefreelace portfoliomodernfreelancebootstrappersonal sitedesignportfolio galleryminimalpowerful resumecleanskillspersonalbootstrap vcardcvbusiness cardvcarddarkpersonal portfolionextjsprofessionalreactdesigner portfoliofreelancerPortfolioonepageResumecreative portfolioCreativeCV site